What speakers for 10k?

Looking to buy the end of game speakers, currently I have Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. My amp is the Parasound a21 with the Parasound p5 pre amp, Marantz sa8001 sacd and the Marantz sr5001 avr, psa xs15se sub. My budget is 5 to 10k on main speaker upgrade.
Yamaha Soavo ns-f901's $$$ if your looking for some {TAD R-1's} killers!!!... and Vivid Audio Giya G3's if your looking for some of the best speakers money can buy...at any price!!...
Simao, Yep, I know, I may well sound a little Too enthusiastic at times, and I apologize if I come off as schill (not really my intention though). But, I've been as motivated to find end-game speakers as some of the others here, it's just that I haven't had $10k to throw at these days. Because of that I've had to be willing to do some things I might not otherwise would've considered doing before. Spending more, buying used I had pretty much exhausted beforehand. So I looked at trying to identify up-and-coming trends or "breakthrough" products before everyone else did...even though that plainly meant I would just have to roll the dice and see for myself. But, in this case it worked out better than I was hoping for...just nothing at all to give buyer's remorse (or buyer's remorse return in the case of the GT's). That I suspect may not be the usual result for this kind of strategy, but, as I say, this is a case where the risk was justified for me. That may make me one of the few who have tried it and realized for themselves what the value of the GT's are...and it's quite high, higher, I believe, than most of the "excellent values" out there. What can I say? Value is value and when I see something in audio that stands head and shoulders above the rest I say something about it..even when the track record is not there. If you want a big gain for little money in this hobby you very often have to be prepared to not do the traditional things.
Hey Simoa,
"Truthfully, I feel as if there've been too many threads lately in which Wavetouch all of a sudden assumes high prominence, with a few posters offering sales pitches that sound like, well, sales pitches."

I only jumped onto this thread a couple of days ago after several other posters brought up GT's and the OP was considering spending less.

"Again, I imagine Wavetouch are quality products and that their designer is a passionate and devoted craftsman and technician, but the way these things are being trumpeted, you'd think they're the second coming of hi-end audio."

That's funny, their definitely not the second coming...Yep, I agree it may be a bit over the top at times, but totally truthful! It's our way of giving back I suppose. Not a new story...small company, no advertising budget, growing track record, a kind, innovative, passionate owner, and an enthusiastic, growing gallery of BELIEVERS.... sorry S, there I go again

"I mean, really? They best Avantegarde or Kharma Ceramique? They blow Wilsons out of the water?"

Totally agree...

Yours was a temperate and moderated response. I wasn;t targeting you, per se; simply the over-the-top championing as of late in a few threads here on Agon of Wavetouch.

I've spoken and wwritten with Alex about his speakers and though I'm not ready to let my de Capo BE's go (and may never be), Alex came across as a generally nice and thoughtful man who was a comfortable blend of salesman and audiophile.

Still, if someone's asking where he can spend his $10K, I'm going to try to see that he gets his money worth -- all $10K of it.
I'm also surprised no one has mentioned Devore speakers. The O93 and O96 are Stereophile Class A speakers and are reference for a few Stereophile and Absolute Sound reviewers. For $10K, you could get a beautiful new set of the O96's and be happy until your hearing goes.