What speakers for 10k?

Looking to buy the end of game speakers, currently I have Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. My amp is the Parasound a21 with the Parasound p5 pre amp, Marantz sa8001 sacd and the Marantz sr5001 avr, psa xs15se sub. My budget is 5 to 10k on main speaker upgrade.
02-08-15: Zd542 writes
I'm just curious as to why you guys wouldn't believe those specs?
In general it is very difficult to combine high efficiency with a small enclosure size and good low frequency response. Those three compete with each other, This is sometimes called Hofmann's Iron Law (Hofmann was the "H" in KLH)

The design is ported, to give lower bass extension, which is something but the crossover is quite complex which reduces sensitivity.

Until I see an independent test, I am not buying the 94dB /watt/metre sensitivity they claim.

"Remember, there is no voodoo with these or any other speakers. The WT GT's are what they are... only good, basic, proven acoustical science and much empirical fine tuning. You don't have to defend anything."

That's a good foundation to start out with, but you really do have to consider the subjective qualities that can't be measures.
"and how does anyone know if WT is legit or not without hearing them? they offer a 40 day in home. comes down to track record, did apple have a track record? or what about Microsoft and this windows idea?"

That's a specious analogy, Jughead. Apple and MS both offered products that were unmatched and unparalleled in their respective marketplaces. They didn't need to claim to be better than similar products costing many times as much because there weren't many of those with reputations to match.

Wavetouch is not setting the bar here; Wavetouch is attempting to convince everyone that it's exceeding a bar already set by larger, more expensive speakers.

In many ways this entire thread has separated the skeptics from the outliers. If Wavetouch proves to be a game-changer in x-amount of years, then you and other customers can look back and know you were trailblazers. Until then, though, I'm simply not comfortable even laying down money I may get back until I hear the product in the first place. Or, until its reviewed by someone professional besides Parttime Audiophile (praise be upon him, of course, for his devotion to this hobby).

Wow, that's a very dramatic first ever post on AG.

"They have invented an orb of alternate physics which surrounds the speakers"

This is a very astute observation. That's not far off.

If you didn't know, horn loading, especially with an extended center phase wave 'guide' increases efficiency.

Nice of you to drop in.

I hope you're a better pilot than you are a spoiler.
If you posses even the most rudimentary understanding of loudspeaker design, it should be abundantly clear why there is no possible way given the physical laws of this planet, that those speakers cannot be 94db sensitive ... not even close.

And there is no good, proven, acoustical science behind those plastic snowcones they hang off the front. Those aren't waveguides, and they aren't horns. They're nothing more than port tubes, and putting your tweeter and midrange inside a Helmholtz resonator will produce nothing but negative effects. To me at least it's clear why Wavetouch has never posted any real tangible data to back up their claims. The grade school drawings they post in their "Technology" section of their website could not be any more laughable.

The mainstream audiophile journalists assault on science regarding this hobby is the only reason ridiculous constructs such as the Wavetouch speakers are every allowed to pass mustard in the first place. Because they have never applied science in their writings, most of you have no concept of it's application. To myself, someone who has designed around 50 speakers over the last 10+ years by using proper scientific priciples, the outright lies in their specification claims and deceptions of how their re-purposed port tubes work is frankly insulting. And to see so many people swallow their line of BS is disappointing.