What speakers for 10k?

Looking to buy the end of game speakers, currently I have Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. My amp is the Parasound a21 with the Parasound p5 pre amp, Marantz sa8001 sacd and the Marantz sr5001 avr, psa xs15se sub. My budget is 5 to 10k on main speaker upgrade.
I'm sensing that some Wavetouch agents are attempting to divert us from the issue at hand which is their fabricated claims.

Someone please explain the obsession with Vapor, I assume you mean Vapor Audio? I've ran in the same circles with Pete for many years, and he can rub people the wrong way. Is that what this is about? Or is it just an attempt to again, avoid the issue at hand?

I am not here to sell you anything. Desire to leave my chosen field, which is quite lucrative, is nonexistent. I build speakers on weekends and am quite good at it, because speakers are very very simple machines dominated by easily understood sceintific principles. Those of you who are befuddled by science buy into fabricated grandiose claims, and are the reason why audiofools are perceived the way they are. Anybody who's able to tie their own shoes could self-educate to the point where making a smart decision about speakers is simple. So why do you not begin that simple journey? Instead opting to just throw money at the problem and see what sticks.

An entry level understanding would teach you that there is no way around the physics of our Universe, there is no free lunch. And the bogus claims would immediately be identified as such. As mentioned above PMC, ATC, ProAc, those are all speakers designed and built by engineers who understand the laws of our Universe and apply them appropriately. But I suppose they're just not exciting enough for some because they don't promise 20 more years of life expectancy and for your wifes breasts to double in cup size.

Now who will I be accused of being next? Whatever it takes to divert attention from the obviousness of my text.
Wavetouch will make my wife's breast bigger? sweet I'm in! something that is built and designed by an engineer means nothing to me, I work with engineers everyday. and most of them are just educated idiots! I don't think anyone is trying to divert attention away from the speaker, I just would like to know why you would bash something you've never heard?
"02-11-15: Nyaudio98
News flash to the brilliant ones who don't get it, do you know the markup from dealer to retailer is sometimes 70 percent..so you audophiles who want to spend 10k on a speaker that cost the retailer 4-5k..go right ahead!!! Or, look for a conmpany that doesn't have those margins and actually puts more into the speakers then that!!!!! "

No offence, but you don't know what you are talking about. If there's one fundamental rule in business, its this: You never, under any circumstances, tell anyone what you pay for something. Its just not done. Even a half ass business person knows that one. If someone tells you what they pay for something, they're lying. So, unless you've signed a dealer agreement, you can't know what you are talking about.
"02-12-15: Jughead
Wavetouch will make my wife's breast bigger? sweet I'm in!"

Even if they don't, you can upgrade her with the money you saved on the speakers.