What speakers should I audition w/ a Mcintosh ma2

Just purchased a Mcintosh ma2275. I don't have any Audio stores in my area. What would the experienced audiophiles recommend I listen to, to mate up w/ my new system. My bonus room will house this system (approx 30 feet by 20 feet w/ "A" frame type ceiling.

A friend of mine is a recording engineer and volunteered to do an assessment of the acoustic status and potential of the space re: need for Bass traps etc.
I enjoy acoustic and electric jazz, R&B etc.. not to much into hard rock etc although I cant dismiss the classics ie Hendrix / Beatles .I guess I am a more mature listener
I love a variety of speakers that probably match your sonic and genre profile. I can highly recommend ATC (UK), Neat (UK), ProAc (UK), DeVore(NY) and Verity (Canada). Each has a different sound profile, with the ATC and ProAc being the most precise and the other three a little more relaxed and warm.
Is there a way to home audition these speakers, if not how do you go about this task? thank you in advance
2nd the recommendation for DeVore and Verity.

As for home auditioning, that is up to the dealer and whatever you can work out. IME, home auditioning of speakers is less likely than home auditioning of electronics.