What speakers to go with my new Marantz 2265?

Just purchased a nice Marantz 2265 receiver to stand in for my Rotel while it's in the shop. I was thinking something vintage might be nice in the way of speakers but that's not a must. Currently I have my Rotel hooked up to a pair of Paradigm mini monitor V2's which sound great. When I get the Rotel back I'm thinking of having a "vintage sound" system in one room with the Marantz and a more modern sound system in another room utilizing the Rotel. 
I listen to primarily rock and jazz at a "medium" volume due to neighbors in close proximity and play mostly vinyl LP's

What do you recommend to complete my vintage system?  Thanks!

I always felt that the Japanese just did not get it re: speakers (5 and 6 way designs using cheap drivers and poor cabinets), but the HPM100s proved to be an exception. Suspect it is because they stole the chief designer from JBL to create the HPM series. 

Good luck to you in your quest to find them locally. Should run about $400 for a good-condition pair.

+1 on the Advent New Large - I am still running mine (utility cabs), originally my High School graduation present in 1978, after a refresh by Millersound.  Not my main system, but always pleasant.  
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I found a pair of ADS L810's locally in great shape with original stands ...  Yes, they do sound great with the Marantz 2265 but take a bit of getting used to after listening to my Rotel w/Paradigm speakers set up for the last 18 years   :)