What to do with a large collection

I have thousands of CDs and records and am looking to get rid of most of them. i can’t possibly listen to them in my remaining years and my wife doesn’t need them. CDs, it turns out, are not very viable these days, and if you want to sell them to a dealer you can only get store credit!! And, if as in my case, the collection is 90% classical, it seems they will be impossible to unload. Since CDs are antiques these days, I can’t imagine ANYONE who would want them. The only alternative I can see is the garbage. When you consider just how much of an investment they were it’s indeed a sobering realization.
Records are indeed “in,” but how desirable are classical LP’s?

Any suggestions?

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Our local friends of the library group does book sales where they also sell CDs. There are often many classical CDs. You won't get any return on your investment but it will do a great deal of good for the local library. 

I wonder how many of those cds have "cd rot"? I have a collection of around 500 cds that go back to the 80s. I'm finding that a few from the 80s and 90s have "self destructed". I have always stored them properly,  but it's my understanding that some of the materials contained in the cds, especially the older ones,  cause the layer containing the digital info to corrode.  It appears to the eye as a "cloudiness " on the surface. I'm curious as to how many other collectors are experiencing this.

I’ll take the CD’s. Just recently got a new disc player and really enjoy classical music

To all who have made offers, you must be prepared to pick them up.
‘But I really haven’t decided which way to go yet.

I’m located on Long Island, New York.

@kmcong I have a not "huge" collection of about 1200 CDs from the 1980s to today. Out of all of those I think I had 3 that got "CD rot" due to oxidation of the aluminum layer due to a pin hole in the acrylic plastic.  3 out of 1200 isn't too bad, I think. Fortunately, I was able to replace those 3 over time via Discogs and was glad.