What to expect from a new DAC?

There has been a lot of discussion about whether newer DAC's/CD players are truely better sounding then older ones. I'm curious, what would one expect in terms of improvement from say a Raysonic 128, which is viewed as an excellent sounding now older CD player and say a Berkeley DAC, older version. Is the improvement, going to be subtle or really apparent.
From Audioengr: "The best USB converters on the market are:

1) Off-Ramp 5
2) Diverter HR
3) Synergistic Research

All of these have low jitter. There is really no "synergy" here. If they are good, they are good with all DACs."

Add the Bel Canto REF LINK to this list. It is every bit as good as the Off-Ramp 5. See Steven Stone's review in the current issue of TAS.
"Add the Bel Canto REF LINK to this list. It is every bit as good as the Off-Ramp 5. See Steven Stone's review in the current issue of TAS."

It's certainly a good one, but does not offer I2S. Steven could have used a better S/PDIF cable IMO. Might have made a difference. Both the USB and S/PDIF cables are critical.

Also, the OR5 can be further improved by replacing the wall-wart with a Monolith or Paul Hynes power supply. Can't do this with the AC powered BC.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Knghifi - Music First has evidently improved the core material or windings etc. because the latest versions of MF are even better. I dont think you need silver anymore. The copper is really good.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio