What Vinyl quality should I be using?

Is there a recommended type of vinyl one should be playing on high end systems? I heard from someone just standard vinyl won't do good systems justice and could even be bad for them. Is this true?

Showing 3 responses by dcstep

05-30-08: Sns said:
"An absolute necessity is a record cleaning machine with vacuum. Any other means of cleaning is just pushing the dirt around."

I disagree. Rinsing a record is no different from rinsing the dishes. Do it right and you end up with clean dishes or records.

Cleaning with the Disc Doctor record cleaning system allows you to really focus on the dirty spots, if any, and adjust the cleaning to the degree of dirt.

Most new records do NOT need cleaning, merely brush with a carbon fiber brush, hit it with the Zerostat, clean again with a slightly damp micro fiber cloth and you're ready to play.

Sns, I don't want you washing my dishes... ;-) Did you remember to rinse? LOL

Good lord, I'm sorry to hear that you cleaned 2000 records and didn't realize that you weren't getting them clean? Too bad my mother wasn't there to inspect for you.

Ok everyone, it IS absolutely imparative that you rinse with distilled water and the DD rinsing brush AND clean the brush EVERY TIME.

05-31-08: Sns asked:
"Have you guys even tried a rcm with vacuum?"

Yes, long ago and far away. It was a VPI used under supervision of a used LP dealer.

IME, Disc Doctor is superior.
