What were some of your early Hi-End audio gear/influences?

I am now in my late '60s and became interested in "real" audio gear in 1968.  KLH compact stereo, Dynaco, Garrard/BSR and more.  

I have owned most of the brands that you would associate with hi-end audio.  That said, I don't think any other product had as much influence on setting me down the road to the "real" music sound quality than the original Large Advent.  Thank you Mr. Kloss. 

Thinking back to my early days of being an audiophile.....was going to Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey.   There was a stereo store - HiFi Haven that was run by "Jerry"..   It was more of a club than a store.  Wonder what happened to Jerry....real nice guy.
I, like most of you, remember the Advents and Mr. Kloss.  My journey lead me down the path of Dahlquist, Martin Logan, Magnepan etc.

This is not a speaker, but the Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver was such a superb product and value. 

There was no early high end only good, better and best. For me the good turned to better and then best..................................then came high end and again it's low, mid and high. Technology is the driving force and what used to be best is relegated to low. And the cycle repeats.