What would be an upgrade over the NAD M51 Direct Digital D/A Converter?

I am looking for some advice as to an upgrade over the NAD M51 DAC.  The objective would be to get my digital end to be more engaging so that there's less of a gap between it and my vinyl front end (Manley Chinook pre, Technics 1200 GAE).  

Would this necessarily require me to spend >$2k?  I'd be fine going used.  I have a Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated, so the replacement DAC doesn't need to have an independent volume control.  

I would chat with Alan at Hi Fi Buts in Atlanta.
he carries NAD, Aesthetix, ARC, Brinkmann. primal Luna, Ayre... lots of DACs that people are mentioning...
the Yagi is direct from manufacturer - and I recommend reading the book also !!!
These are great suggestions!  Thank you. I'm off to start research based on your help.
Of course every component may not mesh with you gear, but that is a tough dac to beat.....prepare to spend $$$

I use one for and number of sources and it sounds pretty good given its price....
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