@big_greg, @uberwaltz, @tomic601,
I know too well how much the correct resistor for any particular cartridge is, to getting an impressive sound from one’s cartridge. It’s fairly equivalent to having a cartridge aligned perfectly.
According to Eva Anna Manley, the Chinook is 95% of the Steelhead.
I’ve read through the years about the Musical Surroundings offerings and was always impressed. The main objective, for me, was no tube circuit....
Uber, Did you sell your Chinook?. I’ve always felt you moved equipment too fast. I feel there is a strong argument for keeping equipment and experimenting with all parameters until one is confident they have reached the limits of that component. You posted not too long ago that you had a friend with a protractor come over and align your, then, cartridge. Does this need to happen again? With your traveling time vs. family, vs. music, I’m sure that is not easy.
Your friendly, caring Slaw
I know too well how much the correct resistor for any particular cartridge is, to getting an impressive sound from one’s cartridge. It’s fairly equivalent to having a cartridge aligned perfectly.
According to Eva Anna Manley, the Chinook is 95% of the Steelhead.
I’ve read through the years about the Musical Surroundings offerings and was always impressed. The main objective, for me, was no tube circuit....
Uber, Did you sell your Chinook?. I’ve always felt you moved equipment too fast. I feel there is a strong argument for keeping equipment and experimenting with all parameters until one is confident they have reached the limits of that component. You posted not too long ago that you had a friend with a protractor come over and align your, then, cartridge. Does this need to happen again? With your traveling time vs. family, vs. music, I’m sure that is not easy.
Your friendly, caring Slaw