Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?




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Any Tom Petty fan need to locate this album: Finding Wildflowers.

Came across this CD from Amazon and it has reached my top 5 albums of all time. Most songs are the acoustic versions of his Wildflowers album with lots of extra stuff! Recorded really well and my system and ears really like this.

Yes, still listening to CD’s but only SACD or high quality ones... lol. ENJOY!