Whats the best record cleaning fluid?

I have a VPI record cleaning machine I got on audiogon. I need to buy or make a recoed cleaning fluid. Any recommendations or sugestions will be welcome.
Hey Flemke (hi Tim!): Bring your shop vac and records over and we'll compare it with the Loricraft. Bring Roger along, too.
I've never used a Loricraft but respect the company and products.

That being said, with a good cleaning fluid, good brushes, elbow grease, and vacuuming system (I'm not sure about the shop vac) a user can clean his/her vinyl just as well as the expensive machines.

I have 5000+ albums to prove it.
Try and see if you can get hold of the purest lab grade alcohol you can find. Ditto the purest grade water. Mix 25% of the alcohol with 75% of the water to use for cleaning your lps. Keep both the pure,unused alcohol and your 25/75 mix in glass bottles or jars, NOT plastic. When I used this mix, the degree of improvement in the purity of the sound quality of my lps was quite significant. Over the years, I had tried several of those market solutions, but, to my ears, they rarely made things better. (Yes, I know, opinions and impressions do vary.) There are a HUGE number of gimmicky, questionable and absurdly overpriced "solutions" out there in today's so called audiophile marketplace. Caveat emptor.