I met with a Spanish Federal Police Sergeant 2 weeks ago. He was touring in this country, and used his International Association of Chiefs of Police contacts to visit different Police Departments. He had some interesting things to say about people doing this stuff. But more to the point, he said he would hook me up with a Federal Police contact in Spain that may be able to look into some of these auctions and their origins. If you receive any personal info from the seller, please forward it to me. My obligations at work won't allow me the time to comb the auction and sales sites for these guys as much as I used to.
When it's to good to be true?
I was surfing a few other sites NOT Audiogon and ran across what looked like some great deals.
1. Krell KSA 250 selling in Oregon for $1500 one week ago.
2. Audio Research LS25 MKII for $1200 in Florida posted last Thursday 8/8/02
3. EAD PM2000 for $2300 new in Florida same person as LS25
Well I contacted the person Via email on the KSA 250 asked question like age, balanced outputs which I am sure they had and whether boxes were available.
I find out that even though the ad states location in Oregon the amp is actually in Barcelona, Spain.
I give the person my # to call and say they can not. I ask for serial #'s and no responses.
Last Friday I see the LS25 and EAD Powermaster for a bargain price. I say sold for the price stated once verbal contact is made. This morning I get a email stating the Pre amp and EAD power amp are in Spain and he would only accept wire transfer for the funds.
I checked this persons profile using the websites weak method of verifying info. and it turns out someone left positive feed back on the same day the ad was posted.
I reported this to the website and I am waiting for a response.
I hope no one has tried buying any of these items. Some how I think they are bogus. I heard in a few threads before about someone doing this on Ebay.
Be careful, and yes I love the audiogon community.
1. Krell KSA 250 selling in Oregon for $1500 one week ago.
2. Audio Research LS25 MKII for $1200 in Florida posted last Thursday 8/8/02
3. EAD PM2000 for $2300 new in Florida same person as LS25
Well I contacted the person Via email on the KSA 250 asked question like age, balanced outputs which I am sure they had and whether boxes were available.
I find out that even though the ad states location in Oregon the amp is actually in Barcelona, Spain.
I give the person my # to call and say they can not. I ask for serial #'s and no responses.
Last Friday I see the LS25 and EAD Powermaster for a bargain price. I say sold for the price stated once verbal contact is made. This morning I get a email stating the Pre amp and EAD power amp are in Spain and he would only accept wire transfer for the funds.
I checked this persons profile using the websites weak method of verifying info. and it turns out someone left positive feed back on the same day the ad was posted.
I reported this to the website and I am waiting for a response.
I hope no one has tried buying any of these items. Some how I think they are bogus. I heard in a few threads before about someone doing this on Ebay.
Be careful, and yes I love the audiogon community.