... on the issue of leaving or not leaving equipment powered up, are you suggesting that there is no sonic advantage to be gained from leaving any equipment on except those containg a DAC?Hi KN,
No, nothing in my earlier posts was intended to suggest that. As I said in one of those posts:
... the basic point behind my earlier post is that when a tube component, especially an amp, is left on unattended for significant periods of time, in addition to the very small (but non-zero) possibility of fire (which always seems to get mentioned in this kind of discussion), there is also the presumably much greater (but less often mentioned) possibility that a minor failure of a tube or other part will result in major damage to the equipment, if not discovered promptly.BTW, regarding my reference to "solid state components having no power switch," one such component I have used was a Mark Levinson ML-1 preamplifier. I had it powered up essentially without interruption for about 25 years, and previously it was probably powered up continuously for another 8 or so years while it was owned by someone else. It finally developed a problem after those 33 years of essentially continuous operation, and I replaced it.
As the experience I cited illustrates, that can even happen as a result of a problem with a small signal tube, especially if the small signal tube is in a power amp or integrated amp.
It seems clear that a case that is at least somewhat reasonable can be made on all sides of these questions, but FWIW my own practice is that the only equipment I leave on unattended are solid state components having no power switch (which are therefore presumably designed with the expectation that they will be left on all the time), and my solid state CDP.
Best regards,
-- Al