Where exactly do I add oil to VPI classic motor

I believe it is time to lubricate my VPI classic 1 motor. The owners manual says to add 1 drop of 40 weight motor oil below the brass piece. It doesn't give any more specifics than that. Can someone that has done this please explain to me how to do so in a bit more detail? I can't see the brass piece in question. Do I need to remove the motor cover to do this. It doesn't say to remove it in the VPI manual. I can hear an audible noise coming from the motor that I didn't hear or notice before. It is almost like a clicking sound but not quite that loud. I can't hear the noise through my speakers during playback but, I just want to make sure the motor is lubricated properly and not risk damaging it. Thank you.
Andy, some VPI motors have an external brass collar toward the base of the motor spindle. The collar is secured to the spindle with a set screw. If yours doesn't have this, simply remove the plastic belt-drive pulley(some models are press-fit; some have a set screw through the pulley that must first be loosened), and drip oil down the spindle into the motor bearing.
I use a wooden toothpick onto which I have placed a small bead of oil at the end and just work this into the side of the spindle at the interface at the top of the bearing while the motor is turning. You can see the oil work its way into the bearing; a little goes a long way. You will also know when you have lubricated it correctly and sufficiently as any residual noise will drop to silence. I do this on my Aries 2 motor annually and it has worked like a charm for over ten years.
Do NOT remove or loosen anything! VPI's instructions leave a lot to be desired to be sure, but putting a drop of oil into the motor does NOT entail removing or unscrewing any hardware.

"Below" the brass piece means putting a drop of oil toward the bottom of the pulley shaft. The gravity will do the rest. The challenge is to get the job done cleanly as there is very little space between the brass piece and the pulley the piece surrounds. (Btw, the new Classics now come with a different pulley and have much more space between the brass piece and the pulley, doubtless in response to many customer complaints about the difficulty with lubricating the motor. I'm just not sure why it took Harry that long to address this.)

The best way to accomplish the task without getting any oil on the brass piece, or the pulley, is to use a syringe and a needle. The next best thing is a dropper you can buy at a local Rite Aid or Duane Reade. Unfortunately, the dropper's tip is too thick to actually insert it in the space so you'll have to put a drop of oil in the space at the bottom of the pulley, and let the gravity do the rest, and clean up any oil residue off the brass piece.

Lastly, lubricating the motor may not eliminate the noise. My motor also makes a very low "swooshing" sound even though is lubricated well. Because the motor pulley is exposed, dust and small particles make their way into the motor. As the oil is drying up, it may also cause the motor to make low level noise. It does not seem to be affecting the performance of the table, or the speed stability, but of course I still find it annoying. Mike told me the best medicine for this is to play a lot of records. I'm still not sure whether he was serious or facetious...