I must admit there are a few things I have done regarding audio besides just fuses that have made a clearly audible change without an easily explained rationale.
Tell me about it.
Where has been your most effective placement for an aftermarket fuse?
Not looking for a debate with anybody on whether aftermarket fuses work or not, this thread is for those fortunate members with the hearing to know that they do indeed work. Nice try. Unfortunately #1 on the list of Hateful 18 character traits is the inability to comprehend the written word. I've used both Blue and Orange. Both made the biggest improvement in my Melody integrated. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 Second best, yet still well worth the money, is in my Herron VTPH2A phono stage. Coming in a distant third, no discernible difference, are the two in my Teres Verus motor controller. You may well ask if they make no difference why are they in there? Well they were included free when buying HFT or ECT, something like that. So even these manage to be worth what they cost. ;) jtcf- I'm not a naysayer and am curious about aftermarket fuses.What stops me from trying them not knowing what is actually in them and will they protect the equipment same as the 50 cent fuses.Paranoia:-) I've had a look at several of these fuses (and a lot of other things) under x-ray and can tell you they are the same fuse as anywhere else. Even the ones that are supposed to be slow-blow are the same thin wire as fast. Where if you know anything about fuses you know you can tell slow from fast at a glance. With these you can't. They are the same. Also from experience I can tell you they are if anything over-rated. That is to say they will burn out faster not slower. I blew 2 in my Herron phono stage. Which was new. Talked to Keith Herron about it. Nice long talk. Learned a lot but the Hateful 18 already are struggling to keep up let's not overload their microcephalic little brains. Its enough to know that like uberwaltz said you can go higher. It also helps to know SR (and probably a lot of the dealers) stands behind their product. I've had several blow and all have been replaced free of charge. How they work is easy enough to understand, you just have to be willing to try and understand and not stubbornly refuse to accept reality like the Hateful 18 do. Ted uses his Tesla coil to run a few million volts through them. This actually works. I know someone built a smaller Tesla coil and is doing the same sort of thing. But they are so sick and tired of the reprehensible behavior of the Hateful 18 they made me swear never to mention it. Same goes for the little gray blob Ted puts on his fuses. It says right on there do not remove. Don't take my word for it. Remove it. See what happens. There's very similar gray blob material been written up at length on this site does almost exactly the same thing. Goes to show just how deluded the Hateful 18 are that they act as if they don't know this. Anyway, point is, however you explain it the fact is this stuff really works. Which drives the Hateful 18 absolutely nuts. Its a short trip. Me personally, been using them a long time. Many have. Not a single instance of component damage resulting from fuse failure in all of that. Highly recommended. Applies only to Synergistic. No idea what anyone else is doing, how or if they work at all. |