i've been a big direct drive and idler fan for quite a few years. i've owned 3 upgraded direct drive (and idler) vintage tt's; the Dobbins Technics SP-10 Mk2 and Mk3, and the Dobbins Garrard 301. i've had the GPA Monaco (6 year old design) in my room for a year, and the Rockport Sirius III (16 year old design) for 9 years. recently i've had a couple of the most recently designed direct drives, the Beat, and now the NVS.
every one of these direct drive tables are quiet, really very quiet. even the Garrard 301, when fitted with the Dobbins copper top platter, is quiet. the NVS is likely the quietest tt i have yet (not) heard.
so there is no reason that a direct drive turntable cannot be quiet. it does take more effort and technology to create a competent direct drive system than a belt drive system.
further; there are many excellent belt driven tuirntables.....all of which would sound better with direct drive. i'm not one of those people who thinks it's all 'execution'; the best approach has the highest potential. past a certain point that better approach passes well executed inferior approaches.
every one of these direct drive tables are quiet, really very quiet. even the Garrard 301, when fitted with the Dobbins copper top platter, is quiet. the NVS is likely the quietest tt i have yet (not) heard.
so there is no reason that a direct drive turntable cannot be quiet. it does take more effort and technology to create a competent direct drive system than a belt drive system.
further; there are many excellent belt driven tuirntables.....all of which would sound better with direct drive. i'm not one of those people who thinks it's all 'execution'; the best approach has the highest potential. past a certain point that better approach passes well executed inferior approaches.