Where is the next generation of direct drive?

Are there any good DD tables worth looking into? So much progress has been made with belt-drives, I would like to believe a careful re-thinking of DD motors could produce something worthwhile.

Many people have this misguide concept of the direct drive mechanism including some insightful writers in the audio press community. In a review of a belt drive turntable, the usually perceptive Art Dudley couldn't help to give the DD genre a shove in a footnote below:
"Of course, I'm setting aside the even less convenient subject of direct-drive turntables, partly because I haven't the time or space to go into them, and partly out of politeness: Putting the record in direct contact with the phonograph's No.1 source of unwanted vibration, whether of high or low frequency, has never impressed me as a terribly bright thing to do." -Art Dudley
With writing like that, how can the general public be encouraged to even want to give DD a try? A very smart and scientifically minded friend of mine who also happens to be an audiophile and never had any experience with direct drive and was surprised to find out the DD motor spins at 33rpm. For whatever reason, his idea of the DD mechanism is that somehow a fast spinning motor like in a belt drive table--his only exposure--is below the platter in a dd turntable. After I told him the platter/motor spins at such low speed he soon realized the combined resonance is only half hertz to be noisy. It was a "Duh!" moment for him. We need more moments like that; it's only healthy.

I was not aware of the Wave Kinetics NVS until recently. It does look like an intriguing design and perhaps the best answer to the OP's question. Unfortunately, the cost is prohibitive for all but a few. Still, for a table of this magnitude it really is a good price. It does underscore the cost of making a good modern DD. I see on the website that they have a new TT expected by late this year. Does anyone know anything about this one yet? Will it be an attempt to hit a lower price point or take things even further?

the new turntable concept on the Wave Kinetics site will be somewhat lower in price, as a understand it at this point. it will have a separate motor/platter and arm tower as it's currently concieved. it will have a small form factor and fit better on standard shelves. the NVS does need a fairly wide and deep shelf.
I'm in the market for a Denon DP-100/M but it looks to me like the NVS would equal or exceed it. Unfortunately, I could buy three DP-100's for the price of one NVS (assuming I could find them). Mike, you must either be single or have a very understanding/supportive wife. Either way, good for you.