This post is for those who are not wealthy. I bought "Speakerlab" speakers back in the day when"Bose" and "Klipschorn"" were considered the big dogs.
Klipschorn paid Speakerlab to quit selling kits that were too much like their speakers.
I bought interconnect wire by 100 foot rolls that was sold by a company that sold to TV and Radio stations. This wire was a silver and copper composite. They no longer sell that wire to individuals. I asked for the replacement wire, and I don't know why I haven't thrown what the sent me into the trash because it's no good.
Any time the poor man finds a way to get around "truly obscene high prices" they pay the guy to quit manufacturing whatever it is.
No one knows how many millions they pay those people, because it happens without any news, you just can't find whatever it is any more.
While I've mentioned things like this before, the vast majority on "Audiogon" agree with such behavior; I don't know why? Unless a person has stock in one of the companies it's of no benefit to him; it doesn't matter to those who are wealthy, but it matters a great deal to those who aren't. Fortunately I have enough of that interconnect wire to last a life time. I even had a business selling "interconnects"; that got around by word of mouth. Of course I don't have any more wire to sell for interconnects.
I look at "Sherlock Holmes" and "Hercule Poirot" a lot. I find it most interesting how the "serfs" bow and scrape before the wealthy, and how the wealthy even had someone to help them dress. That went on for ages.
Not just too long ago, the "serfs" had the highest standard of living in the USA ever in the history of mankind. That's all been lost. Now if a "Serf" has a big screen TV, he considers himself wealthy; maybe when he can no longer afford a big screen TV he will have to face reality; but that requires a brain, and TV has squashed that.
Is this "off thread"? Maybe and maybe not. If you can afford a "Lamborghini", this is most certainly off thread. If you are in the "middle class" that no longer exists because those jobs are in Asia, this post is quite pertinent.