On paper you have put together a very high quality system and it's not surprising that you should like the basic sound. I suggest that rather than wholesale changes of equipment you concentrate on careful system setup. Warmth is a quality associated with the upper bass thru lower mid-range (say, 100 to 300 Hz). Speaker and listner position can greatly influence the relative perception of this frequency band. Your equipment stand and any coupling/decoupling devices are also critical. At the level of equipment you have a high quality stand (Polycrystal, Solid Steel, etc.) is critical. The relative lack of smoothness you refer to could be due to either hard surfaces near the speaker generating high levels of sound reflections, or problems with your recordings. Hard sounding recordings are problematic, but speaker reflections can be dealt with via acoustic treatment.
Cardas makes good quality cables at fairly reasonable prices and you might want to consider upgrading your speaker cables. It's been my experience that using a single brand of cables has synergistic effects. Good luck!
Cardas makes good quality cables at fairly reasonable prices and you might want to consider upgrading your speaker cables. It's been my experience that using a single brand of cables has synergistic effects. Good luck!