So Wednesday my Amazon delivery arrived. I unpacked the two FMCs, fiber cable, LPS with its two extension cords. Connections were made easily except that the extension cords that amazon bundles with the LPS did not fit the input jacks in the FMC. Bummer. Luckily, the LPS provides one and I happen to have a spare.
I powered up the system and and queued up my list a test songs that I'm very familiar with but due to the amount of times I played them no longer enjoy. I checked my DAC and its white LED light is lit indicating it is receiving signal from the Lumin. Stting up the fiber was a success. Very easy to do BTW.
Before i pressed play, I did notice an eerie feeling as if something was not right. It was a silence that i could "feel" if that makes any sense.
Anyway, I pressed play on the Stone's " Cant you hear me knocking" and that guitar rift blasts out of my right speaker. Audio Physic speakers have a reputation of " disappearing" but this was different.
This was special . I listen thru the whole song, Enjoying it as if I was hearing it for the 1st time. In a way that was true. Hate to use this cliche but I was hearing deeper into the mix. Hearing things I've never noticed before. Loving it. Track after track of songs that I enjoyed at one time but now were reborn.
I Did not experience any glare or glassy sound that Paulie Walnuts experienced :^)The bass did thin out a bit but in a good way for me.
If you enjoy detail, look into fiber. I can understand some may find it thin sounding.
No bloom or warmth here.
Honeymoon period? Maybe. I have until January 31st to return