Where to get a reliable Cryo treatment service for Power cord?

Do you know where and how to get a reliable and prompt service for Cryo treatment? This is for a couple of  old power cords I purchased in the past. BTW, Do you have any idea about related cost too?
You help is highly appreciated.

It has not been established entirely that the liquid cryo process is actually superior to the vapor process and reports of superiority could actually be a simple case of expectation bias. My understanding is that the liquid dunking is only employed at the end of the cryo process which makes sense since the whole cryo process must be carefully controlled (ramp down, dwell and ramp up) over a long period of time in order to avoid thermal shock of the materials. Furthermore, simply freezing in the home freezer can be very effective and permanent so I wouldn't put too much stock in getting much from a 29 degree difference in cryogenic temperatures. Besides why hasn't some enterprising person cryo'd using uh, even colder temperatures. Nitrogen is not the ultimate gas temperature wise.

Rick overy at Ice Age Audio has wire and power cords at good prices. I have many of his cords for yrs.


If your in the UK, Russ Andrews has a DCT service

Link below




Honestly Michel It was a long time ago but I do remember that they sounded much more relaxed and detailed right away and soon after purchased there I.C as well.
Thank you very much guys for your comments.
The power cords came back today. I need to mount Ac plugs and run them for a few days for any eventual break-in process. I will share my experience on before and after Cryogenic process.
