Which 6SN7's for Rogue 99 Pre

I was just wondering which 6SN7 tube you guys with Rogue 99 Magnum pre's are using. I have been using Sylvania VT 231's and the BAD BOYS with great results, are there any others?
You only need 2 quality 6SN7's for the 99 Mag.
The 2 other tube positions have no effect on the sonics.
I cant remember which 2 positions to use quality tubes in. Ask Mark before you lay down big bucks for 4 tubes.
I think the right set of 6SN7s is the more important set. I spent quite a while trying to find the best combo a year or two ago, and to my recollection the pairing of left and right sets definitely made a difference. My efforts resulted in a pair of RCAs on the right and Tung Sols on the left (specs on the tubes are buried under the cover).

Good luck
Sylvania BAD BOYS are good


RCA Grey COATED GLASS are great

Mullards ECC33 = CV2821 are fantastic

Will be trying TUNG SOLS Black coated glass & round plates, KEN RAD VT231 and SYLVANIA 6SN7W black base soon.

Don't forget, tubes may not sound the same on differ amps, so, its always personal experience.

Good luck.
I agree with Maxmad. RCA Gray glass are great and don't cost an arm and a leg. Ken-Rads are very good also.
The RCA VT-231(grey glass/bottom getter) will lend a warmer(tubey) sound to the mids, the Ken-Rad VT-231(black glass/bottom getter) a cleaner presentation. Otherwise: they're about equal in detail, imaging and sound stage.