which Alpha Core MI2 is the one to buy?

I am interested in buying Alpha Core MI2 speaker wire and even the Alpha Core website is confusing. There is MI2 Python, MI2 Veracity and MI2 Goertz, I think the Goertz is the main one that gets the rave reviews but, can someone confirm this? What is the difference between the three? Also does anyone know the sonic difference between the regular spades and the silver spades? It seems to me if you buy a copper wire you would not want silver spades.

thank you everyone who answers
Alpha-Core is the company.

Goertz was the designer.

MI is a prefix for their copper speaker cables.

AG is a prefix for their silver speaker cables.

Both the MI and AG come in different gauges.

1's are 13 gauge

2's are 10 gauge

3's are 7 gauge

You can order the MI-2's in two different versions. Either one will give you a 10 gauge copper cable. The difference is in the internal cable geometry and the type of dielectric used.

The MI-2 Veracity is the "old style" that uses two wide & flat conductors stacked on top of each other with minimal dielectric.

The MI-2 Python is the "new style" that uses four thinner "purled" conductors stacked on top of each other in a round package with quite a bit more dielectric.

I am assuming that you want the MI-2 Veracity's. The Python's have not been out for all that long nor have i seen any rave reviews of them. Sean
I have a pair of the MI Veracity 2's and 3's . I have tried other brands along the way but these just seem to make their way back into the systems. I am done looking for good speaker cables - I have them. Good job by Sean as usual.
Ditto Ligi - the MI 2's are the best I've had, perfect explanation by Sean.
What's the best way to bi-wire speakers with the Alpha Core MI 2's or 3's:

- two seperate runs -- one to top posts / one to bottom posts
- two parallel runs to top or bottom / jumper from there
- shotgun Veracity
- shotgun Serpent
- others?

I guess, as a general rule of thumb, copper cables are better with solid-state front ends and silver cables with tube front ends.
Is that correct?