Which Amp for ML Ascent i?


I just bought the Martin Logan Ascent i. Which amp would you choose from this list:

1. Ayre V5x
2. Plinius SA 102 Mk IV
3. PS Audio Classic 250
4. McIntosh MC 402 (Replaces the MC 352 and sounds just like it.)
5. Theta Dreadnaught II (Two channel configuration)
6. Classe Audio CA 301

My preamp is the Klyne System 7 and my CD player is the Musical Fidelity NuVista 3D. The Klyne is solid state and is voiced like a Conrad-Johnson tubed preamp. The NuVista has an analog-like quality.

I am looking for a smooth, glare free sound on classical and jazz music CDs. I don't want to spend more than $5,100, the price of the McIntosh MC 402. I don't need gobs of power; 120 watts into 8 ohms and 200 into 4 ohms seems to be enough.

Thanks for your help.
Have you had a chance to listen to the Aragon line of amps. I just heard them the other night. They sounded fantastic. 200 watts for about $1500. Not bad.
I have an older set of ReQuests and here are some of my observations.

The ML's do like power, all of your choices should be sufficient in that regard.

I originally had my ReQuests hooked up to a McCormick DNA-1 Deluxe, but I wanted a bit more bloom and richer tonality.

I tried a Mark Levinson 332, an Air Tight that I can't remember the model number of (georgeous sound, but not enough UMPH!), the Ayre V5x and finally a set of Roque Audio M-120 Magnums.

The Levinson and Ayre were very close, with the Levinson providing an immense soundstage, but the Ayre providing more of the liquidity I was searching for.

To be honest I ended up getting the Rogue's though as they seemed to my ears to provide the best qualities of the other amps in one package. In talking with Mark O'Brian after I had ordered the amps he told me that he had voiced the M-120 on the ReQuests, so I managed to discover a great synergy. Perhaps you should add them to your short list.

Happy listening
I have the Ascents,and I power them with the Pass X-150. Its a great match. Its very musical with plenty of slam,and very detailed. If you can spend 5K, the X-250 or X-350 would be a incredible match with your Ascents.