Which amp to buy? ARC GS150 or Reference 150 SE?

So any thoughts on which sounds better? I like the meters on the ARC GS150 (easier for bias adjustments) but the Reference 150 has no meters. How much of a pain is it to bias the Ref 150? Do I need an external meter to bias the Ref 150?

Showing 3 responses by joeinid

Hello Zd542,

My speakers are Sonus Faber Strads and Harbeth 40.1's. My Strads are my primary speakers and I swap in the 40.1's for variety. A friend wants my 40.1's and will probably sell them when he's ready. Future replacement speakers are unknown at this point.


Every time I go back to my Conrad Johnson gear, it makes me realize how good it sounds. I do like the variety of different gear, but never lived with ARC. A friend had it and it was great but can not comment on how it differed from my CJ gear because the systems were totally different. I do feel that my CJ gear is a touch sweeter, which I love. The ARC gear may be more of an experiment but have other friends that swear by it.
I need to think the preamp choice. I believe you are correct. A proper preamp match with the ARC is mandatory.

Thank you. I think that's why I naturally gravitated to Conrad Johnson. I could almost use more sweetness/warmth than I am getting now. I fell in love with my Strads after hearing them with McIntosh MC2301's. While I often think of that combo, I may be better off where I am.

I know more than a few dealers that swear by the ARC/Sonus Faber synergy, even before they became dealers for either.

I've owned a VAC preamp before and while it was nice (perhaps great), it never bowled me over like my GAT.

Thank you all so far for your thoughts and opinions. I am still on the fence but hope to hear from new GS and Ref SE owners soon.