Which AV receiver to buy??

Anybody have any experience with these AV receivers: Outlaw 1050, NAD T-760,770 and Onkyo Interga 7.1 thank you for the help!!
If I were shopping, I would include Denon. Both Denon and Onkyo plus Yamaha are probably the best supported by a dealer network. I find the Denons are probably the quietest of the receivers I have owned/heard. I presently have a Denon 2800 and think highly of it. It's replacement, the 2801, is even lower priced. Good luck in your selection
I love Denon, I have owned the 4800, but have since gone to seperates. the new 3801 has to be the best receiver on the market considering price and performance. I have heard Outlaw ant think their low performance equals their low price. Outlaw is ok for the thrifty non audiophile types, but anyone with a taste for performance should avoid them. As for onkyo integra, the integras are cool looking and perform well, but have nothing Denon Receiversas far as price and performance. Integra is a tad overpriced for what you get.
Have auditioned many in the $1000 to $1300 range and think the new Arcam avr 100 is far above anything in this price range, with the possible exception of the new Rotel RSX 972, but even then musically it sounds slighty better. Don't think you can go wrong with either. Listen to the Arcam next to the denon and you will be floored by the difference.
I have owned a Yamaha 2095,a NAD T770, and a Denon 3300. The NAD was by far my favorite. It has more power even though it is rated much lower. I dont like the Denon. Set-up is unnecesssarily complicted. You can only use the tuner from the remote which has lots of absurdly small buttons.