Which comm. speaker mfgr. makes the best cabinet?

Which commercial speaker manufacturer makes the best FUNCTIONAL cabinet and why? What type cabinet? (reflex, sealed, T-line, etc?) I'm not talking about cabinet finish....but function and quality of design and construction. Quality of finish would be lowest priority.
Thanks for your comments!
Boats and fiberglass speakers both use what is known as a "plug" and the guy that does the plugs for boats also does them for boats.....Bought my Rockports in 1992 so wonder if W-B was first or if Dave Wilson with the Watt beat both Rockport and W-B? Doesn't matter I guess except to those folks....Sure makes it easy to make complex shapes with walls that are not close to parallel.....
Tim, to be PC you would have said "women" love them. I would agree that they are very attractive.
John_1 made a good case for R. Vandersteen's 2C/3A speakers. R. Vandersteen is a very innovative and practical guy, and I would also nominate the Vand. 5s. Why? Well, they have built-in subs that are freq. flat to about 22 HZ, they have internal 400 wpc amps to drive them, and the upper drivers are housed in milled out cavities in something like 22 layers of laminated and inert high density fibreboard.

With these speakers, you dont have to look for places to put your subs, and on top of all this, the bass from 125 HZ down is 11 band adjustable. And being very heavy (185 lbs each, net) they are even less prone to resonance. Did I just write ad copy for the V5s or what? Sorry for the unseemly gushing;>). I just think that the V5s are very functional yet still attractive. Cheers. Craig.