Which comm. speaker mfgr. makes the best cabinet?

Which commercial speaker manufacturer makes the best FUNCTIONAL cabinet and why? What type cabinet? (reflex, sealed, T-line, etc?) I'm not talking about cabinet finish....but function and quality of design and construction. Quality of finish would be lowest priority.
Thanks for your comments!
the Kharma Exquisite must be one of the speakers with possibly the "best" cabinet. the cabinet is made from 1" slices of a resin composite, very inert and non-resonant, with irregular interior cut-outs in each slice, then bonded and glued together to make a completely non-resonant 500 pound mass, then has solid wood shoulders added and a 75 pound aluminum stand firmly attached. there are no flat surfaces anywhere inside or out. then the speaker is painted and finished like a work of art.

when you hear the Exquisite you will appreciate the speed, articulation and extension of the bass below 20hz is mostly due to the amazing cabinet.....which looses virtually no energy to resonance. due to the weight and rigidity of the cabinet the floor ceases to be a conduit for resonance. all the energy that the drivers recieve is heard as music.

the immediacey and detail that is the result of this "no compromise" approach must be heard to be believed.
The only problem I've had with my Rockports is I had to cut the mast down a few feet to get them into my listening room. Otherwise, smooth sailing :-)
Actually, I'm wearing my Rockports at the office today. High end shoes with "sole", baby!
Ah! Sorry MYRAJ. What and why.
Well, I was leaving it as an all encompassing answer;
Best cabinet? Dynaudio / Why, Dynaudio.
I am sorry that was out of your understanding. In the future I will try to keep my all encompassing answers very clear. I hope that this clears up any misundr.