Which Counterpoint Preamp SA-5000 or SA- 5.1???

I have a friend with both of the Counterpoint preamps and he says for me to pick the one I want and he will keep the other. So Counterpoint owners, which one should I pick and why?

Thanks and Happy Listening.
It sounds like you know the product very well Harvey. I can only add that I've been a fan of the Counterpoint pre's (as well as the company in general). A friend had a 5.1 which he loved, and subsequently turned me on to the lineage starting with the SA1000 about 15+ years or so ago. I moved up to the SA3000 and eventually graduated to the 5000... all were completely reliable and always problem free. Each was a noticeable improvement over the previous and brought countless hours of musical enjoyment. Whatever the reputation of the brand evolved into, I can attest to its very good sound AND reliability. I've dealt with Mike (Elliot) a few times as I still use the Counterpoint DA-10 and DA-11 processor and transport (coming up on 10 years for them, trouble free) and he's been a straight shooter with me. Had an SA-100 for awhile too which I also liked and turned my friend on to it as well as an SA-3000 which he's been enjoying together for several years.I have since moved on to other pre and power but personally, knowing Mike is there, would be enough for me to consider anything in the product line if I was ever in that position again. Good luck. Happy lissnin.
I bought a new 7.1 pre in 1988 and have always had the balance control reliability issue. However, I still think it is a sweet, very musical preamp. simple clean lines, great phono stage (for the price). As a matter of fact, I just retubed it with a pair of Tungsol 12AX7's and Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8's. I don't use it much, but when I do, I am still impressed with it's musicality. Now - if I could get my hands on an SA 9 phono stage....
i would suggest running as far as you can from counterpoint.
their reliablity track record isnt the greatest ( all the dealers in san diego stopped carrying them and still dont carry the new line to this day.

hope that helps,

There are those who would disagree. reliability issues aside, Mike Elliott made some of the best sounding phono stages in his 3, 5, and 7 series preamps in the mid 80s. There are a lot of Counterpoint amps, both SS and hybrid still running in a lot of systems to this day, with very satisfied owners, including the stock versions, and Mike's mods done by Altavista. His new line is Aria, and if I'm not mistaken, it is only sold direct via the Internet. Someone correct me if I am wrong. As for dealers dropping the Counterpoint line, they had no choice when the company went bankrupt. Mike Elliott is a great audio man, but at that time, he may not have been as good a business man as an audio man. Altavista is Mike's Counterpoint Mod/repair line and Aria is the name of his new product line. I have no connection to Mike Elliott, either personally or professionally. His 7.1 preamp that I purchased new was an eye opening beginning to the high(er) end of audio. JMHO.
Just to add comment on this. I have always loved Counterpoint sound. I started with SA 3 some 20 years ago. Never, Never had reliability problems.

I have been using Mike upgrades for a while and they are nothing short of spectacular! I have upgraded SA 5000 and it beats pants off of CAT Sig II, Herron and BAT 5i that I also own. Better imaging, overall tonal balance, quiet etc. I listen to Classical and Jazz only. Rock listeners may not have same reaction. Mike is responsive and stands behind his work. It is actually a good thing for us audiophiles that Mike is away from the restrictions of manufacturing Counterpoint and is able to offer a truely unique and valuable service.