There are those who would disagree. reliability issues aside, Mike Elliott made some of the best sounding phono stages in his 3, 5, and 7 series preamps in the mid 80s. There are a lot of Counterpoint amps, both SS and hybrid still running in a lot of systems to this day, with very satisfied owners, including the stock versions, and Mike's mods done by Altavista. His new line is Aria, and if I'm not mistaken, it is only sold direct via the Internet. Someone correct me if I am wrong. As for dealers dropping the Counterpoint line, they had no choice when the company went bankrupt. Mike Elliott is a great audio man, but at that time, he may not have been as good a business man as an audio man. Altavista is Mike's Counterpoint Mod/repair line and Aria is the name of his new product line. I have no connection to Mike Elliott, either personally or professionally. His 7.1 preamp that I purchased new was an eye opening beginning to the high(er) end of audio. JMHO.