Which DAC

Hi all-

I'm assisting my friend in setting up Sonos so she can stream Deezer (and perhaps Tidal when it becomes available on Sonos.)

Her current set up is is PMC Twenty.21 speakers with Exposure 2010s2 amp and cd player.

She will get the Wyred4Sound modified Sonos unit.

I am assuming it would be beneficial to run this Sonos into a DAC unit? The question is which one to steer her toward. I was thinking of three:

--the Arcam irDAC
--the Meridian Director
--Wyred4Sound's udac

Any thoughts about which direction to go here?

Also, I'm a newbie at this, but I am assuming the cabling would work like this:

Ethernet to Sonos; digital cable from Sonos to DAC; RCA cables from DAC to amplifier. Is that right?

And I'm thinking of Atlas cables since that is what PMC recommends with its equipment.

Any guidance appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving!
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If her goal is to stream isn't the quality of the music already compromised. I am not sure any "upgrades" will have any value for her. Make sure your audiophile tastes don't waste her money.

What kind of amplifier and speakers are in play?
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I am not audiophile by any means. I just enjoy good music. Since "she will get the Wyred4Sound modified Sonos unit".
It already have W4S/UDAC Built-in and she doesn't need another cable and DAC.