Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?

Looking to upgrade my current Rega DAC-R and have been doing some internet searching and these DACs look interesting and fit within my price range:
BENCHMARK - DAC3 B - $1700
MYTEK DIGITAL Mytek - Liberty DAC - $1000

Audio Mirror - TUBADOUR III DAC - $1200
Holo Audio – Spring DAC 2/3 - $1900-2700
Mojo Audio - Mystique v2 SE DAC - $2500
The other option is to just stick with the Rega DAC-R
I play CDs only and would like to maximize that format. Anyone have experience with these DACs? I have no opportunity to audition them where I live.

Which DAC would provide the most significant upgrade from the Rega? The Rega frames the music well and sounds good with almost every disc I throw at it. I’m not shooting for different and I don’t want something that will limit what's  enjoyable (CDs or types of music).
@robelvick Texture is detail. Attack is detail. Decay is detail. Both PS Audio and Chord vastly exceed Mytek and Benchmark is those areas. As they do in treble articulation.

I'm not sure what you mean by detail but I just don't see it with PS Audio or Chord. Both come as close as possible to reproducing the original wave as possible. 
dCS have just released the BARTOK. A DAC, Streamer, MQA, Roon ready, A Class Headphone amplifier. Real quality. I'll be trading my Debussy, Clock and Bridge for one.
There was a Long discussion about the Lab12 Dac1 SE a while ago. It probably mentioned other dacs as well. If you ignore the click-baity headline it sounds like an interesting option.

Sorry, but no, Benchmark is a nearly perfectly transparent device. PS Audio’s DACs are good, poor dithering though, but are not better than Benchmark or similar.
Earlier in the thread I mentioned a one box set up that uses a NOS chip. The dac I had previously was the Digital Amplifier Company Dac or DAC DAC. DAC has released the DAC DAC2 which has a lower noise floor than the original. Tommy is a great gut to work with and offers a 30 day no hassle return. You would only be out the shipping both ways if your not happy.