Which external SSD for music streaming?

My new music streamer has a USB socket to connect an external Solid State Drive. I am thinking of getting one with 2 or 4 TB storage capacity to store my whole CD collection on it. What I don't know is how fast such an SSD needs to be. I was thinking of a Crucial X6 (up to 800 MB/s), or X9 (up to 1050MB/s). Or is any SSD fast enough to stream music smoothly? Thanks



That sounds good, I will check that. So that will be fast enough I guess. A Metronome DSS is on its way. French high-end company. I got a demo for a good price. On paper it has everything I need :-)

Congrats on the new streamer!

I would get 4tb if you plan on ripping more CDs to it and you are at the top of capacity for 2TB. Personally I wouldn’t rip anything available on streaming services in high resolution. Rare stuff yes makes sense. Good luck!

To play CD music you need at least 0.18 MB/s.  Any SSD will do.  Buy extra one for backup.

@stievus most SSD manufacturers make two or three types of drives that differentiate between capacity, speed, and longevity. As a music library doesn’t typically get overwritten and just added to, you should look for drives that offer good longevity.

Here’s a link to a page that can explain it better than I can. :)