Which Harbeth?

Based just on room size which Harbeth would work best, Compact 7's or P3esr's?
Room is 18x11, 8 ft height. Moderate listening levels.

Thank you

Showing 2 responses by luna

My 5 cents with Harbeth SHL5 is that room treatment on bass a must as I found they will relflect the room's acoustic more than other speakers.
Hi Chashas, my room is 14 x 24 x 9fts. I had Thiels 3.6 before and there were no problems. After I got ShL5, I found the mid bass overloading in the room! I then started trying room treatment. I finally got very good bass by treating the ceiling and the conners with funitures and traps. I think Thiels has tighter but thinner bass while the SHL5 has fuller bass but very addictive once got right!