Which HT reveiver to replace Nak av-10?

My Nak AV-10 just bit the bag and I need to find something to replace it. I loved the smooth open sound of the Nak and would like to find something similar in the sub $1K price range- any suggestions? I've been looking at the Cambridge Azur 540R v2 or v3, and the Outlaw 1070, but would like as many opinions/options as I can get. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by ejliu

Just installed a Denon 3808Ci yesterday. Replaced an Anthem AVM-20 + 5 amp setup. It's a very complicated piece of receivers with lots of switching capabilities. Retail for $1600. Denon 2808Ci is slightly less expensive for $1200. It has slightly less power, 2 HDMI in and no ethernet network capability.

In term of power, 3808Ci was able to drive the Dynaudio Audience 52+122+42W speakers Ok. I need more time to allow everything to gel. Last night was too late to do any serious listening test.

I read quite a few reviews regarding Onkyo on AVSforum as well. I believe it will work fine except that I am concerned about heat issue since my receiver is located inside a fully enclosed stand.

What is the room size and speakers setup?