I can appreciate the learning curve necessary for some upscale or intensive PC ripping/burning applications. However, being near dumb as a stump myself, I'm able to superficially manage EAC. Exact Audio Copy rip & burn software presently.
The results of simply using the defaults have yeilded me copies of CDs which defy my ability to determine which is which... copy or store bought.
I did buy a new burner, (but I needed one anyhow, for )$58 and downloaded the 'free' EAC sopftware. Installed it using the defaults only, and the results far exceed those of any other burning apps I've tried in the past eight years.
I don't know how much a dedicated CD burner runs, new or used. If they're inj the $60 range, it maybe a good thing. If not, I'd strongly recommend the path I took just recently. No question. if you're burner is lightly used, the cost is only the moments to download and install EAC. there'd be no worries about alignment issues of the burner or it's amount of jitter either.
Also I'd be happy to help you as far as I am able to with getting to know the ins and outs of ripping and burning too, if that would help.