Which integrated tube amp to go with which speaker

Need advice for integrated tube amp and speaker combo for a small 13'x11' listening room. I'm used to my class A low watt SET mono block system/preamp/high efficiency speakers but am selling off this system and need to change listening areas anyway.

Integrated tube amp choices are:

1. Luxman sq-38u
2. Leben CS-600
3. Ayon Spark II vs Triton III

Higher output Triton III included because I'm unsure of speaker I will use.

Speaker choices:

1. Harbeth c7es3
2. ProAc Response D2s

I listen to classical and jazz at low to moderate volumes, nothing really loudly.

Open to other suggestions.

Thank you for your help.
Call John Tucker at Exemplar Audio and ask about his Exception integrated. Simply an amazing sounding piece. Very MUSICAL. The pre-amp is tube and the amp section solid state. You get the best of both worlds. Recommended for 90db or above speakers. The Exception is 1/3 the price of the Ayon Triton III. I owned the Triton 1 and thought it was okay but somewhat overrated. There is a lot hype around the Ayon gear.
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I'd go with Melbguy1’s suggestions. My brother has Leben CS600 with
Harbeth SHL5. Great synergy and sound. You can't go wrong with that
I would have to second the Primaluna/Reference 3a combo .
Roll 'all' of the tubes .
I am personally fond of EL34 tubes .
The Reference 3a's are a neutral uncolored speaker that will let you hear what the rest of your equipment sounds like .

Good luck
Thanks for all responses so far. Does anyone know if the Leben CS600 comes with remote?