(1) Your quest for a speaker brand and model is for a receiver upstream. Any choice instead for an Integrated amp, with clearly superior audio performance capability and bespoke sonic signature, might drum up a potential contender versus a pretender.
With receivers, their poor output power supplies by design limitation warts of packing everything in a cramped unibox, comparatively limits their audio performance, and thus minimizes speaker synergy maximization choices.
Hence, any forum reader now suggesting one speaker over the other in a totally binary choice blind bakeoff with a receiver, is thus closer to “ just pick one of ‘em” exercise with a low risk of making a “wrong” choice.
(2) This crazy hobby is a journey and not a destination, There is NO “best” option and certainly never in a binary choice blind option.
Intuitively, there can be a possible but limited risk to you of a non-optimal choice with to a selection default to a 3rd party biased opinion.
It’s part of the drill AND fun in rolling up your sleeves and actually auditioning, reading, assessing the strengths and warts in total , before choosing a contender yourself.
There is no silver bullet nor likely clearly “better” choice of your two options. with a receiver. Each has its strengths and warts. For those who are unwilling or unable to audition the speakers, then I would refer them back to Point (1) immediately above,
Happy hunting,