Hi Sam,
This Wikipedia article appears to address your questions much more knowledgeably than I could. Some excerpts:
-- Al
This Wikipedia article appears to address your questions much more knowledgeably than I could. Some excerpts:
Because of the nature of sigma-delta converters, one cannot make a direct comparison between DSD and PCM. An approximation is possible, though, and would place DSD in some aspects comparable to a PCM format that has a bit depth of 20 bits and a sampling frequency of 96 kHz.[3] PCM sampled at 24 bits provides a (theoretical) additional 24 dB of dynamic range....Best regards,
DSD's dynamic range decreases quickly at frequencies over 20 kHz due to the use of strong noise shaping techniques which push the noise out of the audio band resulting in a rising noise floor just above 20 kHz. PCM's dynamic range, on the other hand, is the same at all frequencies. (Some high-end SACD players employ an optional low-pass filter set at 30 kHz for compatibility and safety reasons, suitable for situations where amplifiers or loudspeakers cannot deliver an undistorted output if noise above 30 kHz is present in the signal)....
The Korg MR-1000 1-bit digital recorder samples at 5.6 MHz, twice the SACD rate. It's also referred to as DSD128 because of the sample rate 128x that of CD....
There has been much controversy between proponents of DSD and PCM over which encoding system is superior.
-- Al