Which is the best audio magazine?

I am getting back into high-end audio after a 20 yr hiatus and trying to educate myself on all the new technologies, sources & equipment choices.
What is currently the most objective & reliable audio publication that will support my research efforts?
Thank you.
Used to be a toss-up between Stereophile and TAS. Now, IMO, TAS has pull away into the lead. In general, both have adopted "Review lite" compared to the old days. Stereophile's claim-to-fame was the measurements done by Mr. Atkinson but I read that these will soon be history. All thing must pass.
Go to Daily Audiophile.com
The latest posts are there from multiple sources and also an extensive list of other sites to follow.
I personally like Audio Bacon.com.   Great coverage of the recent T.H.E. SHOW. A good read.

David Pritchard
Like David said, dailyaudiophile.com is the best source. The page compiles all the information from magazines, webpages and blogs dedicated to audio. 
I also like to read STEREO, a German magazine that is distributed for free, in English, via email. You just have to subscribe. 
TAS and Stereophile are classics that I follow and I personally hate the British magazines - some love them. 
The magazines from Hong Kong are simply fantastic (maybe the best) in terms of contents, but you would need to read in Chinese. 
I agree with the poster who said none.

The best ever was probably Peter Aczel's The Audio Critic 
Hugely controversial unsurprisingly, much vilified but never refuted. It took me ages to accept what I was reading and even now I want to resist. However it's the only one that has stood the test of time for me. All the others I have read were mere entertainment, nothing more.

However there is one UK magazine Hi-Fi Critic which purports to be free from bias (I doubt it) and advertising (which can only be good). It's still not hard hitting enough for my taste but you can a flavour of it here, https://www.hificritic.

Or you might prefer one of the broadcast publications if you're happier with a more accurate and factual but drier presentation.