Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around

Being a tube person who is trying to put together an active loudspeaker setup , I have come across the problem of choosing the best driver for the midrange and upper bass i.e.80Hz to 2.5 KHz. I would like to try a panel such as a Magnapan but am told that they are rather power hungry. Therefore, I would be grateful if fellow Audiogoners could share your experience in relation to the best powerful SS amps that would not be out of place in a "tube-ophile's" system.
I agree with those that say the mc402. I tried a number of amps before I hit on that one.
2nd the Clayton.Might add the Symphonic RG-1 and a few of the Bedini models.
The "tube like" qualities that I particularly like are liquidity (clarity and sudtlety without an edge) and and an open sound. The valve that I like the most is the 45 which with it's mighty 1.5 to 2.0 watts would not fulfil my requirements here.
Robert Harley's review of the Pass labs read interestingly but I obviously will need to somehow hear it ,as well as some of the other very helpful suggestions above.
Thanks again and please keep the thoughts coming.
FWIW I am running 3.6 Maggies with MC-501s and a C220 preamp. The sound is magic to me.
Victor told me once he couldn't tell much difference from their entry level preamp to their more expensive preamp too, both or either, would satisfy him.

I've heard the Mc252, 402, 501s and 602. None of these came across to me as sounding like anything other than SS. Very nice SS but not tube oriented. The decays weren't that of tubes, nor did it possess the richness and body tubes field as a rule. To MCs credit, if I had panel speakers I could easily live with that MC 602. Very easily indeed.

Personally, I'd place the VK500 w/BAT Pk above the MC402 & under the MC602. The 501s were more lively and more SS'y.