Which LS3/5a?

I would like to add one more speaker to my small group of speakers and I am considering my first LS3/5a.  The Rogers LS3/5a SE or Falcons Gold Badge appear to be the two that have caught my attention but I am open to any suggestions from owners of other brands of ls3/5a's.  Currently I have been enjoying a Dynaudio Heritage Special speakers and would like to buy a ls3/5a and compare the two and keep one set of speakers.  So any LS35a owners out there?


Showing 9 responses by bobheinatz

timstella & eddiechanghk,

Thank you both for your informative replies.   It sounds like tubes are the way to drive these monitors.   I have read about the Kingswood Warren Edition  and its quite unanimous that their owners all believe it's the best LS35a ever produced.  I believe there is still a market for another assault on making the best ever LS35a.  Rogers new SE model appears to be an attempt in that direction.  I would be ready to pony up if Falcon every build a few mire Kingswood's.

Thanks for all that have replied.   I really appreciate the feedback.   Any others?

Falcon Gold Badge as mentioned Yogiboy looks like the one to beat but I am still interested in how tge Rogers SE would compare. 

Thank you Garyalex for you opinion.  I am looking for a speaker that I can just listen to for hours.  Alot of good reviews in the Silver Badge Falcons.

Herb thank you for your detailed replied.  It is certainly nice to know there are some valid choices among the current  made LS35a 's.  Btw I plan on  buying new unless I find a great deal on a local speaker.  


Riaa,  if you could post your thoughts once you breakin the Graham and the Rogers SE I would appreciate it.  I know the Graham has a great following and I am anxious to hear more from users of the SE.