Which musician retired too soon?

There are a number of people who used to record and who people enjoyed that are no longer out there for one reason or another. People like Syd Barret or Cat Stevens come to mind.

I know there are a lot of people that I wish had retired, but who would you like to have seen continue in the music industry, that left already?

Showing 1 response by boss302

Nrchy, long time no talk to. I have to go along with Hooper. Cat Stevens is one that I think if he would have continued playing would have created some really interesting stuff. I think he did with what he has done but who can tell where he would have gone. To have him drop out of the music scene due to his religious beliefx is commendable but I wish he would have keep on playing. I'll be up to GB on the weekend of the 25th, maybe see you then.
