Which Phono Preamp?

E.A.T. Glo S Petit, PS Audio Stellar Phono, or Pass Labs X-17?  
System is:

Pass Labs INT-60
VPI Classic 3 w/JMW 10.5 tonearm
Soundsmith Hyperion cartridge
Volti Audio Rival speakers
Ag insider logo xs@2xjjgasp
Well, EAT and Project are essentially different brands from the same parent company.  
Folks, thanks for all of the suggestions and for giving me a lot to think about.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going with millercarbon's advice and getting the Herron Audio phono stage.  Keith tells me it's the last one he's making - so I have a collector item.  But seriously, I couldn't find one bad thing written about it in reviewes or forums.  It seems it has the sound qualities I'm looking for with my system.  And Keith is a great guy.
@jigasp            So you're 'getting the Herron'.  Only a day has gone by since MC posted.  No down on him on this one, it may be a good recommendation, but you mean you're going to buy it without listening first on your own rig in your own room???

That would be madness.  Don't choose any component on one recommendation without hearing it.  Not even a coloured fuse.
Unless you're an MC disciple who just likes what he likes.
@clear.  It's ok.  This is the only way listen in my rig and room.  Besides, if it doesn't work someone here will be the beneficiary of a lightly used phono stage at a slight discount.  
I just got my Herron and set it up the night before last.  It clearly outdid my Pass XP-15 and my Manley Chinook, both of which are very good phono stages.  More separation between individual voices and instruments, a more clearly defined sense of space and a larger soundstage.  The sound has more body and everything sounds more "lush" for lack of a better word.  I wouldn't describe it as totally "neutral", which I'd say both my Pass and Manley phono stages lean towards, but it doesn't sound like it's exaggerated in any way either, if that makes sense.  I'm still drinking in the differences, I've only had a chance to listen to a few records. 

I've been using it with my Acoustic Signature Wow XL turntable with a ZU Denon DL-103 that is freshly back from a rebuild by Andy Kim.  I tried it last night with my "lowly" Technics SL-1200 MK2 with a Shure V15 Type IV with a SAS Jico stylus and it sounded amazing, better than most analog systems I've heard.  It's in another league with the Wow XL and I'm looking forward to trying it with one of my higher end cartridges.

I predict that you won't regret your purchase, and you won't want to sell it.