Many thanks, I appreciate your views on these arm cart combinations. I have an SME V but still in it's box, intended on fitting a London Ref to it, which I may still do, but also like the Koetsu sound which would work well with my system. Your appraisal is inline with my thought's on these, and my exp with FR66s and Kondo + Koetsu.
Re the Nasotec, it may appear quirky but boy it works so well, using an Aidas PanzerHolz Diamond on mine currently, and may well end up just using this only and not fitting the V as a second arm..
Many thanks..
Many thanks, I appreciate your views on these arm cart combinations. I have an SME V but still in it's box, intended on fitting a London Ref to it, which I may still do, but also like the Koetsu sound which would work well with my system. Your appraisal is inline with my thought's on these, and my exp with FR66s and Kondo + Koetsu.
Re the Nasotec, it may appear quirky but boy it works so well, using an Aidas PanzerHolz Diamond on mine currently, and may well end up just using this only and not fitting the V as a second arm..
Many thanks..