Which power cords help ameliorate digital glare/grain/digititus?

Do power cords make a difference in ameliorating digititus? If so, which component most benefits, cd transport, dac or integrated amplifier? Which component is most likely the cause of it? Which cable?
After testing with bunch of different power cable configurations, the idea that a power cable is "designed for digital" is pretty much a misnomer in my opinion.  I keep telling people that solid-core conductors win in all cases, whether it's digital DAC, preamp or power amplifier.  Solid core just sounds more natural.  In some of my tests I compared a very expensive Furutech OCC stranded copper power cable against a hand-built cable made from 20awg solid-core radio shack hookup wire.  It was clear that the Radio Shack did not have the resolution of the Furutech, but it just sounded so much more natural and engaging and easier to listen to. The Furutech, even though it was made from the absolute best copper, had a weird digital phasing and solid-state sounding effect.  If I had to pick, I would pick the Radio Shack cable EVERY TIME!

I suggest looking for a used Audioquest NRG-2 or NRG-4 (even the older NRG-3/5 cables are excellent).  Costs vary, but they are all built using 21awg solid core conductors for hot and 19awg solid-core conductors for neutral/ground.
If you have this thing, then can we not get rid of the thing making the bad thing?

The core of problem solving is always correctly identifying the real problem and removing it.  Otherwise, a series of bandaids follows in attempts to herd the problem.  Not all digital sources carry nasty digititus or glare or grain.

We’ve really nothing to go on here, but I will say Many are helped by competent power conditioners.  That has solved many a headache.  Perhaps in your case also.  Hope you resolve the nasties.
I think shielding can help, but otherwise I think you should consider your DAC and room acoustics.

I haven't suffered from digital glare in ages.
I think shielding can help, but otherwise I think you should consider your DAC and room acoustics.

I haven't suffered from digital glare in ages.
Agree with Erik. My digital  suffered until I put together a transport, cable, and dac that was able to control jitter. Also works very well with my streamer.
Treating the room is always a must no matter what format you use.

In my quest to remove glare I tried using so called "digital" cables such as JPS and others, but they weren't as lively sounding as a good quality shielded cable. I'm not putting down these digital PCs, just saying in my system good shielding was an improvement.

I will say Many are helped by competent power conditioners.  That has solved many a headache.

+1 to @celtic66 's post.