Which processor/preamp....

Which/what to buy is my question.What I want to do is buy 2 active speakers and a processor/preamp to join with a Sharp 42" TV.I dont want 5 or 7 channels,just two.Would like to spend 400$ tops.Would appreciate a couple of choices,thanks,Bob
Thanks for all your help guys.I have a Sharp 42 LCD about a year old but Im not sure I can plug in the active speakers and be done though I would like to.The audio outs are throwing me for some reason???I will do more investigating.Im not sure the TV has an amp to drive passives either.I will read more of your ideas and report back again,thanks alot,Bob
You are not going to get anything good, I would look for something used, Do you need HDMI switching? The advice above is probably the best look at sound bars for $400 you will not get anything great but it will be much better and have the righ processing for current TV content.