Which Solid State Amplifier is Making you Happy?

I'm trying to find a new amplifier to replace a Musical Fidelity A3CR. There are lots of candidates: Rowland 501s, Pass Labs 350.5, Levinson 431/432, H2O, etc. What are people using and what has been a good sonic investment? I'm currently driving B&W N803s, so it's a pretty normal load. My MF amp does not offer enough punch or bass control. It flattens out at higher volumes. I'll spend what it takes, new or used. Less than $8K would be nice. All comments welcome.
Give a listen to Classe CAM-400 mono-blocks. Depending upon
your tastes in music, they pair very well with the B&W's
in listening I've done. My personal favorites are Edge
amps. As you go up the line, they just keep getting better
in every conceivable way. The G8 meets your price point by
a safe margin new. The massive jump is the NL10.1 or in my
case, the NL12.1's. Both can be had used in or near your
price point if memory serves (A-gon ads I've seen).

I've yet to push the 12.1 I own to the wall or hear it
distort, get grainy, etc.... It has "pits of hell bass"
that is tight and accurate while still delivering
wonderful mids and highs that just go up and up...

My second NL12.1 shows up tomorrow; I'm going to vertically
bi-amp my main L/R speakers. Questions? Let me know....
(Not a dealer, rep or other affiliate, just love their amps)
The H2O Signature 150

I have to admit; I've always had a thing for a well done class A transistor amp or a good valve unit. While I've also been a big fan of the price/performance ratio class D provides, I've never met one I could live with long term. That is, until I received a prototype amp from H2O. Instead of going wax poetic about what it does well, and why I like it - the bottom line is that it is a transistor amplifier that tickles my fancy to the point to where my search for an amp for the main system has come to a close (well, for now - you know how it goes).
Thank you Rlawry, unfortunately anonymous comparisons are not even worth the weight of the electrons used to display them on a computer screen.
Rumadian, you heard the prototype H2O? So did I. If I were to hear that now, I would judge it rather harshly. Maybe that is a bad choice of word. It was anything but harsh. It sounded like a very good class A amp.

I bought the third generation of the H20 Signature monos. Since then, I upgraded the module, and caps in this well reviewed version, under direction of it's creator. Now I have this insanely dynamic, deeply penetrating, crazy real sound out of my 1 ohm speakers.

Guidocorona, aren't you going to visit me? I will have a pair of Scintillas for sale soon.
Vince, I am trying. . . closest I've been able to arrange is to be in Fresno on Sept 6th and 7th. . . but I haven't lost all hope yet! Guido